Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Super Magic Boy 1: I Am a Dinosaur

All of my kids and I LOVE graphic novels by Jarod Roselló. We have all read both his Red Panda and Moon Bear books, and I have read a bunch of his mini- and web-comics, including the compiled The Well-Dressed Bear Will (Never) Be Found. His work is playful and energetic, and we all have found great joy in it. So, we were all sure to get this book, the first in a proposed series, Super Magic Boy.

In I Am a Dinosaur we met Hugo, a boy who has magic powers and can do seemingly anything. In the first few pages, he animates one of his dinosaur toys and makes it a real dinosaur and then transforms himself into a dinosaur. Of course, they do what dinosaurs do best, go on a rampage.

After crashing and roaring about the house and punching a hole in the exterior wall, they end up outside. The duo then decides to dig a giant hole, where they unearth (among other things) the Cursed Skeleton King and his cursed treasure. After wreaking a path of destruction, Hugo eventually settles down enough to fix everything in his own unique way.

My whole family liked many aspects of this book, and all of my kids loved reading this book both with me and by themselves. I liked that it is fun to read aloud, and the educator in me also liked how Hugo taught the dinosaur new words. I also admired the colorful artwork that looks like a blend of comics and collage. My kids liked its action, characters, and humor. And to be more exact: My four-year-old was thrilled by their rampaging. My six-year-old thinks the dinosaur is hilarious, because he loves how it does not know anything. My eight-year-old really enjoyed the shorter second story where Hugo and the Cursed Skeleton King search for treasure and encounter an imposing guardian. This book is full of wonderful and exciting things, and we are all looking forward to Book 2. If you have younger children who are into graphic novels or simply laughing, go get this book!

I Am a Dinosaur was just published, and thus far I have not been able to locate many other reviews. In the one I did find Kirkus Reviews summed up, "A high-energy celebration of a delightfully rambunctious childhood."

Super Magic Boy: I Am a Dinosaur was published by RH Graphic, and they have a preview and more available here.

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